Get ready for the season - great selection of leisure-related special products

We have cooperated with Formac for several years and find them to be a sharp and flexible supplier who really knows the industry. It is wonderful to work with a company that has such a clear customer focus, listens to our wishes and always gives a professional impression.

The products we use are of high quality and valued by both our staff and our customers.

Viktor Rudi, CEO Rudvi Fritid

With us you will find a large selection of leisure-related special products for you who sell caravans and mobile homes. We do not only have the products you need for successful sales, but are also specialists in highlighting your brand. If you have specific requests for products, with or without print, talk to us! We have been helping customers in the automotive industry to create more loyal customers for over 35 years and can solve most things. Welcome.

Wide range of leisure-related products

Customer service

+46470 - 74 54 50

M-T: 07-17, F: 07-16 (w27-31 M-F: 08-16)

Formac Production AB
Moränvägen 10
352 45, Växjö

Invoice address
C/O Erip_LP136
Box 117
721 05, Västerås

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